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Diocese of Honolulu

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Generosity Needed to Support Hunger Programs

July 5, 2021

From the Office for Social Ministry

According to Feeding America and Hawaii’s local Food Banks, 1 of 5 children in our state are experiencing hunger.  Food security is even more challenging for families who are struggling to stabilize employment and finances on the home front while navigating through COVID-19.

Feeding our hungry brothers and sisters is part and parcel of who we are as Church.  Each Lent, we are reminded to put our faith to action by feeding our hungry brothers and sisters through our Lenten giving to CRS Rice Bowl. Twenty-five percent of your Rice Bowl contribution helps to fund food and hunger programs in our diocese to include pantries distributing keiki backpacks filled with kid-friendly food and snacks.  Don’t hesitate to share your blessings any time of year and give to Rice Bowl online at https://support.crs.org/donate/change-life-lent-0?ms=orbric1821rbl00gen00&_ga=2.203129873.1065108939.1625217445-640405108.1625217445

The Hawaii Child Nutrition Program (HCNP) is an office of the State Department of Education that works with schools and childcare centers statewide ensuring access to federally funded nutrition programs.  This includes breakfast and lunch served during the school year and also summer food service.  Since the start of the pandemic, the Child Nutrition Program has provided Grab ‘n Go meals for students age 18 and below.  

The Kau Kau 4 Keiki program is currently providing a box of food with fresh produce for 8000 children, particularly those who live in rural areas without access to Grab ‘n Go meals. 

A program of this magnitude could not be possible without the support of sponsors and key partner collaborators on each island.  Those key partners are:

  • Malama Kauai serving Kauai County
  • Vibrant Hawaii serving Hawaii Island 
  • Maui United Way serving Maui County
  • Kahumana Farms serving Oahu.

There are more than 6000 names on the summer waitlist!  Malama Kauai is the only key sponsor still accepting applications for their wait list. Because the demand far exceeds available supply and funding, all are encouraged to go to www.kaukau4keiki.org and make a donation for the program serving your local community.

For more information about CRS Rice Bowl in our diocese, visit our diocesan webpage found at https://www.catholichawaii.org/catholic-living/charity-justice/food-security-sustainable-development-global-solidarity/ricebowl/