1184 Bishop St, Honolulu, HI 96813
Phone: (808) 585-3300 Fax: (808) 545-5063
Roman Catholics

Roman Catholic Church in the state of hawaii

Diocese of Honolulu

Witness to Jesus

Diocesan Offices

Diocesan Offices

Reporting Abuse

Step 1 - Contacting Public Authorities

If an allegation involves a violation of Hawaii criminal law such as abuse of a minor (in any form whether or not sexual), the police or Hawaii Department of Human Services/Child Welfare Services are to be contacted immediately in accordance with the law of the State of Hawaii (H.R.S. § 350 - 1.3).

Phone Numbers (subject to change):

From Oahu, call (808) 832-5300
From a Neighbor Island or Out of State, call 1-800-380-3088
(OR) call 911

Provide the following information:

  • Name of minor
  • Present location of minor
  • Nature and extent of the perceived injury
  • Any other information, including that which led the individual to suspect child abuse, requested by the child welfare agency

After the verbal report is made, a Child Welfare Service employee or police officer will usually be dispatched to the site.


Following the telephone report, a written report (CONFIDENTIAL Mandated Reporter Checklist for Suspected Abuse and Neglect) must also be filed in accordance with regulations of the Hawaii State Department of Human Services/Child Welfare Service.  The Mandated Reporter Checklist and accompanying Mandated Reporter Guide are available for download on the State of Hawaii Department of Human Services website at https://humanservices.hawaii.gov/ssd/home/child-welfare-services.

A copy of the report should not be made a part of any minor's record.  However, a notation in the cumulative record indicating "CWS report filed" (with date) would be appropriate.  One (1) copy of the report may be kept in a confidential file or log by the administration, but not in the minor's folder. 

Follow-up with the family is the responsibility of the Child Welfare Service.

Step 2 - Reporting to the Bishop

After public authorities have been contacted, all allegations of sexual misconduct involving minors, including but not limited to suspected abuse involving any individual working or volunteering on behalf of the diocese, must promptly be reported to the parish pastor/administrator and/or school principal, and to the Office of the Bishop.

If parish pastors/administrators, school principals or other supervisors first receive the allegation, they shall promptly forward the matter to the Office of the Bishop for handling, including such evaluation and investigation as the Office of the Bishop deems appropriate.  Such reports are in addition to and not in place of mandated reporting to appropriate public officials.  

Contact the Office of the Bishop at (808) 585-3356 or bishop@rcchawaii.org.

NOTE: Responsibility for notifying public authorities when the allegation involves a violation of Hawaii criminal law is that of the individual making the initial complaint.  If the person making the initial complaint fails to contact the public authorities, then the parish pastor/administrator, school principal or supervisor who first learns of the allegation must do so.  If that person fails to contact public authorities, then the Office of the Bishop will do so.  It is the role of the public authorities to assess the credibility of allegations received.  All allegations should be reported to them for handling.


To report an incident of sexual abuse and related misconduct by a bishop, or a bishop's intentional interference in the investigation of an accusation of sexual misconduct, contact the Catholic Bishop Abuse Reporting (CBAR) Service at ReportBishopAbuse.org or call 800-276-1562.  The report will be relayed to the proper Church authorities for investigation, which will include the Metropolitan Archbishop of the Province and a lay person designated to also receive the report.  If the complaint is against the Metropolitan Archbishop, it will be referred to the senior suffragan bishop in the Province.  Where a report includes a crime, such as the sexual abuse of a minor, it will also be reported to civil authorities.  Otherwise, reports will be kept confidential.