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Roman Catholics

Roman Catholic Church in the state of hawaii

Diocese of Honolulu

Witness to Jesus

Diocesan Offices

Diocesan Offices

Jubilee 2025 - Pilgrims of Hope

What is a Jubilee Year?

A Jubilee Year in the Catholic Church is a special time of spiritual renewal, mercy, and pilgrimage, deeply rooted in biblical tradition and historical Church practice. It is a year set aside to help the faithful deepen their relationship with God, experience His mercy, and renew their commitment to Christian living.

Origins of the Jubilee Year

  • Biblical Roots: The concept comes from the Old Testament (Leviticus 25:8-13), where the Israelites were instructed to celebrate a Jubilee every 50 years as a time of rest, liberation, and renewal—debts were forgiven, slaves were freed, and the land was given rest.
  • Christian Adaptation: The first Christian Jubilee was established in 1300 by Pope Boniface VIII, granting plenary indulgences (remission of temporal punishment due to sin) to those who made pilgrimages to Rome and followed penitential acts.

Purposes of a Jubilee Year

  1. A Time of Spiritual Renewal – Calls the faithful to conversion, prayer, and penance to grow closer to God.
  2. A Celebration of God’s Mercy – Emphasizes forgiveness and grace, offering special indulgences and encouraging acts of mercy.
  3. Pilgrimage and Sacred Encounters – Encourages travel to Rome or other pilgrimage sites as a sign of faith and renewal.
  4. Acts of Charity and Justice – Promotes social justice, serving the poor, and working for peace.

Types of Jubilees

  • Ordinary Jubilee: Occurs every 25 years as a universal call to a year of grace (e.g., Jubilee 2025).
  • Extraordinary Jubilee: Declared at the Pope’s discretion for a special purpose, such as Pope Francis' Jubilee of Mercy (2015-2016).

Key Elements of a Jubilee Year

  • Opening of the Holy Door in St. Peter’s Basilica and other major basilicas, symbolizing the path to salvation.
  • Special indulgences granted to those who fulfill specific conditions (pilgrimage, confession, Eucharist, prayer for the Pope).
  • Encouragement of acts of mercy, reconciliation, and service to others.

For Jubilee 2025, Pope Francis has chosen the theme: "Hope Does Not Disappoint" (Spes Non Confundit), inviting the world to rediscover Christian hope amidst modern challenges.

As seen in the Hawaii Catholic Herald:

Jubilee Year Days of Study

During this Jubilee Year, all are invited to deepen their faith by exploring the Catechism, Vatican II, and more. These Days of Study will feature prayer, keynotes, workshops, and fellowship—engaging gatherings to inspire and equip participants in their faith journey.

Read the article in the Hawaii Catholic Herald. 

  • April 12, 2025 | 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM | Annunciation Parish - Waimea, Hawai'i Island | Full Schedule and Registration available here. Download Flyer here. 

Days of Study will be hosted on every island during this Jubilee Year. Questions? Email the Office of Evangelization & Catechesis. 

Looking for a pilgrimage to Rome this Jubilee Year?   

Here are a few that we've seen advertised in our diocese:

  • September 17-28, 2025 Spiritual Director: Fr. Junvic Diolata. For complete information, click here
  • October 12-22, 2025 Spiritual Director: Bishop Larry Silva. For complete information, click here.
  • November 2-13, 2025 Spiritual Director: Fr. EJ Resinto. For complete information, click here.

Where can I venerate the Jubilee Year Cross? 

Bishop Silva has commissioned a Traveling Jubilee Cross that will be hosted by every parish in the diocese throughout the year. When the Traveling Jubilee Cross is in your parish, the faithful should be encouraged to make a pilgrimage. Jubilee indulgence may be obtained when the ordinary conditions are met, namely, detachment from sin, sacramental confession, reception of Holy Communion, and prayers for the intentions of the Holy Father, with the Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be.  

A stationary Jubilee Cross has been placed in the Co-Cathedral of St. Theresa in Honolulu for the veneration of all the faithful during this Jubilee Year. 

Read more here

The Traveling Jubilee Cross will be on Hawai'i Island for the month of March and the first part of April. We will update the schedule as we receive it. Mahalo!