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Phone: (808) 585-3300 Fax: (808) 545-5063
Roman Catholics

Roman Catholic Church in the state of hawaii

Diocese of Honolulu

Witness to Jesus

Diocesan Offices

Diocesan Offices

Adult Confirmation

The priority of any Confirmation preparation process is to assist our Catholic adults as they deepen their relationship with Jesus Christ.  Developing and strengthening one's relationship with the person of Jesus as well as with his Body, the Church, is tantamount.  Confirmation empowers the faithful to more fully live out their baptismal call; sacramental preparation should be offered with this goal in mind.


Goal of Adult Confirmation Sacramental Preparation


(A pdf version of the full guidelines for Adult Confirmation HERE)

Discerning the Faith Formation Needs of Adult Catholic Confirmation Candidates

Just as no two catechumens or candidates for full communion are the same, so too Catholic adults who wish to be confirmed vary in their level of formation in the faith.  The "general principle to be followed is that catechesis is to be tailored to the person's needs." (#69, Diocese of Honolulu's Norms for the Preparation for and Celebration of the Sacraments of Initiation and First Penance)


Consider the following:



  • NOTE: Catholic adults who have received First Holy Communion and who already demonstrate some evidence of a relationship with Jesus and his Church (expressed by participation in the parish) should NOT be asked to participate in a year-long OCIA process.  Knowledge of doctrines is not the primary emphasis in discerning faith formation needs - attending Mass and receiving Eucharist regularly are.
  • Some examples of situations you might encounter HERE
  • Download the flowchart for yourself HERE


Considerations for Adults Receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation


"To receive Confirmation one must be in a state of grace" (Catechism of the Catholic Church, CCC #1310).  This includes repentance from grave sin (e.g., ending immoral living situation) and reception of the sacrament of Penance.  Catholic adults who are invalidly married are to prepare to have their marriages validated and the sacrament of Confirmation could be administered at the same liturgy in which the sacramental marriage is celebrated, with the Confirmation preceding the marriage.



When Can the Sacrament of Confirmation be Celebrated with Catechized Adults?


Pastors, parochial vicars and chaplains are delegated the faculty by the bishop to celebrate Confirmation on any Sunday of the Easter season (Diocesan Norms, #74).  At other times of the year, the priest may request delegation to confirm (Diocesan Norms #75).  A request can also be made to the Bishop's Office for Bishop Silva to celebrate the sacrament with adults at your parish during a Sunday Mass.  More details HERE


Essential Teachings for Adult Preparation of the Sacrament of Confirmation

Immediate Preparation

Recommend 3-5 sessions, although sessions could be combined based on the needs of the confirmation Candidates.

Potential resources to use for immediate preparation and the six essential teachings to include as part of immediate preparation HERE


Short-Term, Small Faith Sharing Opportunity

Recommended for those who might benefit from and respond to the invitation to a faith-sharing process to reconnect them to their faith.  Six to twelve small group, faith sharing sessions are recommended, although this process can be adapted as a one or two day retreat or similar.  Note that faith sharing groups should also cover the six essential teachings associated with immediate preparation.

Potential resources and topics to use for short-term, small group faith sharing  HERE