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- Knowing whether a community celebrates baptism validly or not is important in many situations, such as when a Catholic is marrying a non-Catholic. This list is based as far as possible on information on websites of the communities themselves. If the community's website supports a conclusion that the community celebrates baptism with a genuine washing with water and the use of the Trinitarian formula ("in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit"), then the proper intention by the minister is presumed.
- Some denominations are somewhat fluid and merge and divide at different times. The practices of the community at the time of the baptism needs to be considered.
- This list is based on the general practice of the denomination; it does not guarantee that each particular minister celebrates baptism validly.
- Beware of the "dedication of children" or other similar ceremonies that are not baptism ceremonies.
- Some denominations also distinguish between water baptism as an "ordinance" and "baptism of the Holy Spirit." A baptism of the Holy Spirit, without water and without the Trinitarian formula, would not constitute a valid baptism. Baptism as an "ordinance" might be valid.
- Some ecclesial communities use the name of their denomination in the title of their individual locations. Some do not. Others do so inconsistently. Locations in Hawaii are listed only if they do not include the denominational name in the location's title.
- This page is a work in progress. Please email the Director of Canonical Affairs with questions, comments, or corrections.