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Couples for Christ Weekend - I Will Hold You Forever

October 21, 2024


The weekend August 31-Sept 1, 2024 was a very blessed weekend for 13 Couples for Christ, including a couple from Maui, who attended the CFC Hawaii Marriage Enrichment Retreat Part 1 at St Stephen Diocesan Center; service team came from Canada and California.  The retreat was a time of discovery for those who attended the first time and an assessment for those attended it as a refresher whether we have grown in our relationship.  But all in all, a time to renew, recommit and rekindle our love to our respective spouses and to reinforce passion and romance in our marriages.  The retreat dynamics include praise and worship, prayers and scriptures, talks, couple discussions, fellowship, Celebration of the Holy Mass, and blessing of couples.

Talk 1. Serving God Through our Christian Marriages

This talk reiterated that from the very beginning God’s plan includes marriage, that’s why “a man shall leave his father and mother and be united to his wife”. We are called to love and serve each other as husband and wife, love our children and to establish strong families for God. And through the Holy Spirit, we serve and love other families through our works of evangelization.

Talk 2. The Christian Couple as a Pastoral Team

Husband and wife are called to be one, and being one we are to serve our families as a team, standing for each other.

Talk 3. The Role of a Christian Husband

Husbands are to live out the roles of Provider, Protector and Pastor.

Talk 4. The Role of a Christian Wife

Wives are to live out the their role of being a “help mate” to their husbands. Both husbands and wives, however are to submit to each other; both were created equal but with different roles.

Talk 5. Effective Communication in Marriage Relationship improves with good communication.

We need openness, loving and kind words and to establish a regular time together to really sit down and talk things out in an spiritually matured manner.

Talk 6. Healing our Marriages

While during the talks and couple discussions, we discover and honestly admit that at some points of our marriage we are hurting and so we need to ask the Holy Spirit for healing.  In this talk, we were asked to pray that God will heal our inner hurts both personally and as a couple. Husbands prayed over their wives and wives prayed over their husbands.

Talk 7. Building our Homes for God

In this talk, we were challenged to make our homes a home for God, that He is the center of our marriages, our families, and homes and eventually, the Church.

One wonderful thing in the retreat was the attendance of young couples tagging along their children with them. It was a sight to behold when families gather together in the Lordship of the Lord! May God be God be praised!

For more information about the Couples for Christ Weekend, please contact:
Immaculate Conception Church
Email:  iccewa@rcchawaii.org
Phone number:   (808) 681-3701