2022 Annual Stewardship Report: Message to Parishes
Dear Members of the Body of Christ,
As we continue our Eucharistic Revival throughout the United States, I am happy to present to you the 2022 Stewardship Report for the Diocese of Honolulu. It indicates just a fraction of the ways that all of you take seriously your understanding that you are truly members of the Body of Christ, who is present and active in the world today. In the Eucharist, we the members of the Body, with our diverse gifts and talents, come into intimate and holy communion with the Head of the Body and with each other. This weekly gathering for worship is essential to the mission of making Jesus Christ and his healing love present in the world, because in the Mass we encounter his Real Presence and go forth from there to continue his presence in the world.
We thank all of you who have contributed of your time, talent and treasure to your parishes, to the diocese, and to service of our community. Some do so as catechists, whether in the intimate setting of the home or in classrooms. Some serve by evangelizing the culture, bringing the light of Christ to a world that sometimes walks in darkness, whether by influencing legislators to enshrine a respect for all life in our laws or by working to eliminate chronic poverty and its root causes. Some offer much needed human support for those who suffer spiritually or emotionally, whether by offering a compassionate ear, preparing a meal at a difficult time, or praying and fasting for someone in need. Some clean our places of worship or give their money to help build and maintain them. We have many diverse gifts of time, talent and treasure, but you use them all to continue the work of the risen Lord Jesus by proclaiming the Kingdom of God. We thank you for the support you give your parishes, but also for the support of the larger Ohana of the Diocese of Honolulu! As good stewards of all that is entrusted to us, we offer you this report of our diocesan services in 2022, and we give “thanks and praise” to God for all of you!
Sincerely yours in Christ,
Most Reverend Larry Silva
The 2022 Diocesan Stewardship Report available HERE.
'Ohana In Christ FAQs available HERE.