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March 7, 2022
From the Office for Social Ministry
Catholic Social Teaching reminds us that all people deserve to work in dignity and be protected with basic rights such as fair wages and equal opportunities for economic growth. This week, CRS Rice Bowl introduces us to a family in GUATEMALA whose community struggles with water scarcity, poor education, poverty, and climate change. By participating in CRS funded programs, Raul and Lilian were able to receive agriculture training, nutrition education for their children, and skills to manage and care for their farm.
To view their full Story of Hope, visit the CRS website where you can also find delicious Lenten recipes. During the second week of Lent, consider preparing a Guatemalan meatless dish for dinner on Friday. Here’s a recipe for tostadas your family is sure to enjoy!
Please post the following in your parish bulletin, on your website or use as a Pulpit Announcement for the weekend of March 12 and 13, 2022 – the Second Sunday of Lent:
Raul and Lilian have faced many challenges while trying to provide for their family and pursue their dreams in Guatemala. With support from Catholic Relief Services, they have been able to overcome these obstacles and grow their business while helping their community along the way. In what ways are you being challenged to serve others this Lent?
Please consider incorporating the weekly RICE BOWL PRAYER INTENTIONS in your Sunday liturgy:
For Raul and Lilian – whom we meet through CRS Rice Bowl – and for all who lack access to basic services such as education and clean water, that they have opportunities and resources to create positive change for their communities. We pray to the Lord…
If you need assistance with accessing Rice Bowl resources, visit Office for Social Ministry website, email, or call (808) 203-6702.