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January 24, 2022
From the Office for Social Ministry
As we continue to host several more Parish Social Ministry Listening Sessions, we want to send a BIG MAHALO to all the parishes that have participated so far in our diocesan synodal process of encountering one another through open and honest dialogue. Recent discussions with West Hawaii, Kauai, and Maui vicariates have been very engaging, heartfelt, and fruitful! Thank you so much for sharing! Please rest assured that WE ARE LISTENING with open hearts and ears…and WE HEAR YOU!
The information shared is providing valuable insight about where we are as a Church and how we want to evolve as witnesses to Jesus. We are learning so much about the various ways our parishes are constantly sharing the living Christ with others in meaningful ways. For example, we discovered that despite greater demands and a shortage of volunteers due to COVID, parish social ministries continue to find ways to feed the hungry during this pandemic with hot meals, Keiki Backpacks, Senior Food Boxes, pantry distributions and community gardens.
As part of the sharing stories about both challenges and highlights of their social ministry, participants were asked to respond to Bishop Larry Silva’s invitation for input by competing this sentence – “We proclaim the living Jesus Christ in our ministry by….” Some of the responses included the following: “Being present to others; being involved and not stopping; serving others; taking action, seeing Jesus in our brothers and sisters, especially the most vulnerable; sharing our time, talent and treasures.”
Upcoming virtual listening sessions with social ministry leaders will include Central and Leeward Vicariates on Jan. 25th, Windward Vicariate on Jan. 27th and East and West Honolulu Vicariates on Feb. 10th. All are invited back on February 15th to share their reflections on zoom either at 11 AM or 7 PM. OSM will also be hosting listening sessions for those involved in social ministries with persons who are formerly incarcerated, homeless, migrants, and families with persons with disabilities. The dates and times of these additional sessions will be announced soon. Please contact OSM for more information at on the synod process and visit our website