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Roman Catholics

Roman Catholic Church in the state of hawaii

Diocese of Honolulu

Witness to Jesus

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Catholic Living

Catholic Eagle Scout Recognition from Pope Francis

Any Catholic Eagle Scout can get a letter from Pope Francis!  Learn more here

Religious Awards for Catholic Scouting America

It is important to understand that Religious Emblems are not merely awards for completing a set of requirements. Instead, they recognize a young person’s growth in faith and how they live out their Catholic faith. When a Scout completes the requirements for an emblem, the Scout is entitled to wear the BSA Religious Knot in addition to the earned emblem. The goal of Religious Emblem is to provide a structure where Scouts can grow in faith and apply what they learn to their everyday life.

Light of Christ

This program helps the Tiger and Wolf develop a personal relationship with Jesus. With the parents' active participation, the young Cub will see Jesus as a real person and friend. The Light of Christ Emblem is awarded to those youth in Scouting who have begun the early stages of faith development. These young scouts, through their interaction and works of good deeds, both in family and parish life, have witnessed to Christ, our Light.

Age level: Designed for Tiger and Wolf Cubs, ages 6 & 7.

To learn more about this award and order workbooks, contact the OYYAM as we do have limited supplies on hand or click here to order. To order medal/pin, download order form.

Parvuli Dei

This program helps young scouts explore a wide range of activities in order to discover the presence of God in their daily lives as members of their family and parish. The Parvuli Dei (Children of God) Emblem is awarded in special recognition by the Catholic Church to a Cub or Webelos Scout for advancement in religious knowledge and spiritual growth. The purpose of the emblem is to help young scouts explore and discover the presence of God in their daily lives as members of their family. It also helps them to develop a positive self-image through the contributions they make to their faith community.

Age level: Designed for Bear and Webelos Scouts, ages 8 - 10.

To learn more about this award and order workbooks, contact the OYYAM as we do have limited supplies on hand or click here to order. To order medal/pin, download order form

Ad Altare Dei

In a series of steps, the Scout grows spiritually as a young Catholic to help them understand the meaning of the Sacraments. The program involves an intense study of the seven sacraments, the Scriptures, and the Boy Scout oath and law. The study is combined with service to community in order to enrich the Scout as he shoulders greater responsibility in their roles as a family member, parishioner, and citizen. The Scout's encounter with Christ, then, leads to greater appreciation of faith in the Church and greater desire to come to the Altar of God, hence the name, Ad Altare Dei.

Age level: Designed for Boy Scouts and Venture Scouts (male and female), grades 7 and older.

To learn more about this award and order workbooks, click here. To order medal/pin, download order form.

Boards of Review are held throughout the diocese. If you are in need of one, please contact the DHCCS.

Light is Life (Eastern Catholic)

The "Light is Life" is a program developed by the National Catholic Committee on Scouting (NCCS) for Boy Scouts of the Eastern Catholic churches. Light is Life respects the cultural and ritual differences among the various Eastern Catholic Churches.

The overall goal of the Light is Life religious emblem program is to bring about in the Scout, through his Eastern Christian Scouting experience, a deeper awareness of his share in faith-life. Then going forth, they will witness this life through maturity in communal worship and in Christian formation of his world.

Age level: Designed for Boy Scouts, seventh grade and above.

To learn more about this award and order workbooks, click here. To order medal/pin, contact us

Pope Pius XII

In this program, high schoolers in small groups study and discuss their role as young Catholics in today's society. Guided by the Holy Spirit, this formation can make youth more aware of their potential of being future Christian leaders. This program in Catholic Scouting underscores the development of individuals in the Christian faith through information, formation and transformation. It challenges the high school age Scout or Venturer to recognize their membership in the community of faith so as to foster a leadership role through example and responsible action, thus helping to usher in the Kingdom of God.

Age level: Designed for high school-age Sr. Scouts and Venturers.

To learn more about this award and order workbooks, click here. To order medal/pin, download order form

Boards of Review are held throughout the diocese. Religious emblems counselors should contact the Committee no later than December 1 of each year to schedule a Board of Review. Board of Review will be conducted no later than December 31 of that year. Applications and fees are collected the day of the Review.  For Board of Review dates, click here.

Silver St. George

The Silver St. George Adult Recognition Award is the NCCS recognition for dedicated members of its national organization who have worked hard and diligently for many years at the national level, and whose accomplishments in carrying out the youth-serving mission of NCCS have been especially significant. NCCS will limit the number of awards to six per year. The first presentation included awards for 1997 and 1998. The award includes a silver version of the St. George emblem, suspended on a dark blue ribbon.

To learn more about this award click here.


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