Catholic Living
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The Diocese on Honolulu Catholic Committee on Scouting (DHCCS) promotes the spiritual phase of Scouting in the State of Hawaii. It provides Catholic religious emblems and award programs to help our Scouts, to include American Heritage Girls (AHG), Scouting America (formerly Boy Scouts of America), Girl Scouts, and Trail Life USA, grow in their Catholic faith and develop the decision-making skills to live out Christian values. Read more about Catholic Scouting in the Diocese of Honolulu here (link being updated). Click here to email the Committee.
The Diocese of Honolulu Catholic Committee on Scouting meets on the following dates at 7:00 p.m. (unless otherwise noted). Scheduled meetings will be posted here.
To order medals/patches for Religious Awards, click the appropriate order form below.
A few religious emblems require trained Counselors to lead them. Are you interested in being a Counselor? Learn more here.
Religious Activities - Catholic faith resources to supplement your parish religious education or youth ministry (for scouts and non-scouts).
Open to high school seniors who are involved in scouting. Learn more and apply here.
National Eagle Scout Association Scholarship. Learn more and apply here.
Papal Letter Available for Achieving Eagle Rank
View photos from this year's Scout Mass and Awards Ceremony here.
Please see Religious Awards page for more information on submitting requests for religious awards.
Finding Faith at 9,003 Feet (Midweek Hawaii, August 15, 2017)
Hike, camp, pray: Island scouts sought for once-in-a-lifetime St. George Trek (Hawaii Catholic Herald, February 8, 2018)
Congratulations, Ryan Garcia - Emmett Doerr Scholarship Recipient, 2018!
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops - Scouting
National Catholic Committee on Scouting - Scouting BSA
National Catholic Committee for Girl Scouts USA and Camp Fire USA
American Heritage Girls National Catholic Committee
National Catholic Committee of Trail Life USA
Programs of Religious Activities with Youth (P.R.A.Y.): information on religious emblems for most faiths