Catholic Essentials
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In Baptism, the first sacrament of initiation, a person is born again into the Living Body of Christ. He or she is given a name as a share in the Divine Life of Jesus Christ himself.
God desires the salvation of every person and he makes this possible through a rebirth in the Holy Spirit and adoption into his family and kingdom.
The signs and symbols used are water, anointing with oil, laying on of hands and presentation of a lighted candle.
Unlike ordinary symbols these actually accomplish what they signify on the spiritual level.
Click here for the Diocesan Norms for Sacraments of Christian Initiation and First Penance.
View the trailer for "Baptism - One 'Ohana", a video for baptismal catechesis with captivating images of Hawai'i. Click here for the full video.
The website for the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) has a wealth of information and resources for local Catechists. More information HERE.
Baptism: Incorporated into Christ’s Body, Sent on Christ’s Mission