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On matters of administrative import, the BAAC serves to further the mission of the diocese, establish management policies and procedures ensure that adequate human resources and financial resources are available, and actively monitors the diocese's financial and programmatic performance.
Consultors are priests of the Diocese. The College of Consultors acts in accord with Canon Law and advises the Bishop on major decisions affecting the diocese. They also serve as members of the Presbyteral Council.
The Finance Council acts as an advisory board to the diocesan Bishop and the diocesan finance officer that is composed of members of the Christian faithful truly expert in financial affairs and civil law, outstanding in integrity, and appointed to serve a five year term. The Finance Council advises the bishop on all significant financial matters including but not limited to financial policies, the annual diocesan budget, investments and the purchase and sale of property.
The DPC is composed of Christian faithful who in full communion with the Catholic Church - clerics, members of institutes of consecrated life, and laity - selected by a method determined by the bishop. Councilors meet quarterly as a consultative body that studies and reflects on pastoral matters and makes recommendations to the Bishop in response to significant pastoral issues.
DPC Guidelines
2018-19 Diocesan Pastoral Council Members
Nomination Form
The Leadership Association of Religious Congregations was resurrected in 2009 to address issues of concern among religious leadership, to plan and organize activities among religious, and to share resources. LARC members are instrumental in planning for the World Day of Consecrated Life, Diocesan Jubilee Celebration for Clergy and Religious, as well as providing Vocation Discernment Days for our young men and women interested in religious life or priesthood.
In accord with the norms of canon law, the presbyteral council acts as a senate of the bishop assisting him in the governance of the diocese so that the pastoral welfare of the people of God may be more effectively achieved. Consultation with the presbyteral council is at the discretion of the diocesan bishop.
Vicars Forane are priests entrusted with coordinating the activities of the parishes grouped into a Vicariate, which is a geographical subdivision of the Diocese. The Diocese of Honolulu has nine vicariates: Kaua'i, Maui, East Hawai'i, West Hawai'i, East Honolulu, West Honolulu, Leeward O'ahu, Central O'ahu, and Windward O'ahu. Each Vicar Forane shares in the supervisory role of the bishop, making sure that the activities of parishes meet the standards set by the Church. He also serves as a resource and assistant to the other priests of the Vicariate.