1184 Bishop St, Honolulu, HI 96813
Phone: (808) 585-3300 Fax: (808) 545-5063
Roman Catholics

Roman Catholic Church in the state of hawaii

Diocese of Honolulu

Witness to Jesus



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Vendor List for Parish Stewardship & Development (March 2015)

These select companies have experience servicing our parishes or diocese. For more information, please click on
their websites or contact the Office of Stewardship & Development at 808-203-6723 – mclark@rcchawaii.org

Communication Consultants:
-Catholic Stewardship Consultants, Inc. (CSC) - http://www.catholicsteward.com
Services include customized stewardship renewals, monthly newsletters, leadership retreats & parish surveys.
-Liturgical Publications Inc (LPi) - https://www.4lpi.com
Offers tools for church bulletins, newsletters, online donations & communication networks.
-Our Sunday Visitor (OSV) - https://www.osvoffertory.com
Offers parish websites, offering envelopes, online giving and programs to build stewardship & increase offertory.

Capital Campaign Consultants:
-CCS Fundraising & Development Services (NYC & SF) - http://www.ccsfundraising.com
Maintains the largest and most experienced staff in the field specializing in capital campaigns.
-Changing Our World (NYC) - http://www.changingourworld.com
A full-service fundraising consulting group specializing in major gift programs.
-The FundDevelopment Group (Honolulu) - http://hawaiicbc.net/listings/patti-look-cfre

Database Management:
-Parish Data System (PDS) - http://www.acstechologies.com/products/pds
Software solutions for parishes & schools including Parishioner Records, Contributions and Religious Education.

Offertory Enhancement: (envelopes +)
-Church Budget Envelope & Mailing Co. - http://churchbudget.com
-Cathedral Corporation - http://www.cathedralcorporation.com
-National Church Solutions - http://ncssolutions.org
-Our Sunday Visitor (OSV) - https://www.osvoffertory.com

Online Giving:
-Faith Direct - https://www.faithdirect.net
-GiveCentral - https://www.givecentral.org
-Liturgical Publications Inc (LPi) - https://www.4lpi.com
-Our Sunday Visitor (OSV) - https://www.osvoffertory.com
-ParishPay - http://parishpay.com
-Vanco Services - https://www.vancoservices.com

NOTE: click here for the Diocesan Finance Office: Online Offertory and Giving Guide for Parishes

-Liturgical Publications Inc (LPi) - https://www.4lpi.com
-Our Sunday Visitor (OSV) - https://www.osvoffertory.com
-Diocesan Services - Contact Elina Simon at: esimon@rcchawaii.org