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"Lent for Life" Week Three - CRS Rice Bowl Stories of Hope

March 14, 2022

From the Office for Social Ministry

We enter the third week of Lent with reflections on how to be good stewards of God’s creation. Catholic Social Teaching reminds us we are all responsible for taking care of our planet and each other; including our global family.   

This week, CRS Rice Bowl introduces us to a family in BANGLADESH who lives in a low-lying area that’s prone to flooding. By participating in CRS funded programs, Noornobi learned how to prevent his land from flooding and how to farm using organic fertilizers. He also raises chickens and ducks to sell at the market. With extra profits, he has been able to buy a larger home for his family and pay for private education for his siblings.    

To view the first Story of Hope, Bangladesh – visit the CRS website where you can also find tasty meatless recipes including this one for dahl made of lentils and tasty seasonings.

Please post the following in your parish bulletin, on your website or use as a Pulpit Announcement for the weekend of March 19 and 20, 2022 – the Third Sunday of Lent:


In Bangladesh, cyclones and other natural disasters are increasing – destroying farms, homes and more – making it difficult for people like Noornobi to earn a living and support their families. But Noornobi has learned new techniques to protect his land and income, enabling his niece and nephew to go to school.  How can you care for creation to help the planet and our global family?

Please consider incorporating the weekly RICE BOWL PRAYER INTENTIONS in your Sunday liturgy: 


For Noornobi and his family – whom we meet through CRS Rice Bowl – and for all who experience severe weather, that they can protect their homes and livelihoods and become more resilient to a changing climate. We pray to the Lord…

Pope Francis continuously emphasizes that care for creation is really care for our fellow man. It is a requisite of solidarity and justice. If you should need assistance with accessing Rice Bowl resources, contact the Office for Social Ministry at itamashiro@rcchawaii.org or call (808) 203-6702.